Hey! I'm Kaily! This blog is random thoughts and questions that come from the crazy, cluttered mind of mine. I have to thank a couple people first though. first off, this blog was made possible by Mrs. Waterbury, the bestest gifted Ed. teacher ever. Second, my friends and family, for the inspiration they give me.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The great wall

Do you think you can really see the great wall from space? Go find out!


Mrs. Waterbury said...

I'm not so sure that you can see it from space, but I bet you can see it with radar imagery from space. I'll have to google the question to find out for sure.

Unknown said...

I think Mrs. W is right. You probably can see it with radar imagery. Google earth street view might show it.
Grandma R.

Sabrina said...

I looked it up and it turns out that you can't actually see it from space. That rumour was founded by China's own astronaut.