Hey! I'm Kaily! This blog is random thoughts and questions that come from the crazy, cluttered mind of mine. I have to thank a couple people first though. first off, this blog was made possible by Mrs. Waterbury, the bestest gifted Ed. teacher ever. Second, my friends and family, for the inspiration they give me.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Gum Wrapper Dress?

Some of you may have been wondering why people are giving me all their gum wrappers. Yes, what you may have heard is true, I am going to make a gum wrapper dress. I have no clue how many wrappers I have right now, so don't ask. But I always need more! Feel free to just randomly come up to me and give me a wrapper and tell your friends!


Mrs. Waterbury said...

How long have you been working on this idea?

Kaily D said...

I think I found this idea around the begining of the school year and have been working on it since then. Haley has been helping a lot. :)