Hey! I'm Kaily! This blog is random thoughts and questions that come from the crazy, cluttered mind of mine. I have to thank a couple people first though. first off, this blog was made possible by Mrs. Waterbury, the bestest gifted Ed. teacher ever. Second, my friends and family, for the inspiration they give me.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Don't you hate it when..

pepul spall thiengs rong? What is your pet peve?


Sabrina said...

I love that picture, by the way. My pet peeve is when people just can't leave you alone and accept that you're doing what you want to be doing and you don't want to do anything else.

Unknown said...

wat? istn tht how u supused to speel it? haha jk. I think that procrastinators should unite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ........................................................tomorrow.