Hey! I'm Kaily! This blog is random thoughts and questions that come from the crazy, cluttered mind of mine. I have to thank a couple people first though. first off, this blog was made possible by Mrs. Waterbury, the bestest gifted Ed. teacher ever. Second, my friends and family, for the inspiration they give me.

Friday, January 27, 2012

End Time Ministries Part 2! - My Take

I went to http://www.endtime.com and looked at what they had to say. It seemed legitimate enough, but should you use it as fact? Using the criteria at http://olinuris.library.cornell.edu/print/4499 to judge this site, here is what I found:
Who wrote the page and can you contact him/her?
I couldn't find an author for this site, but there are phone numbers and addresses for a company.
How detailed is the information?
The information is pretty detailed, but is biased. This tells you it might be a mask for advertising.
What opinions are expressed by the author?
There are many opinions on this site and the are all about the end of the world like that is what they want you to hear at this moment.
When was it produced?
I did a little research and found a post from March, 1994. That might mean they have been like, "oh, the world is ending!" before and it hasn't.
I don't think this site would be good for factual information, it is to opinionated and because it is selling things, I wouldn't trust it.


Mrs. Waterbury said...

Very nice job, Kaily. I liked your post, too. Thanks for taking this assignment seriously.

Unknown said...

I don't think, based on the information, that that website would be reliable. Good post :)