Hey! I'm Kaily! This blog is random thoughts and questions that come from the crazy, cluttered mind of mine. I have to thank a couple people first though. first off, this blog was made possible by Mrs. Waterbury, the bestest gifted Ed. teacher ever. Second, my friends and family, for the inspiration they give me.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hey guys! I just got back from a crazy summer all over the US. I started it off with a Camp Half-blood of my own, with a bunch of friends. Then I went to Washington DC. AMAZING!! I would definitely go back. My next adventure, (and I assure you it was) was spending the remainder of the summer working at a Boy Scout camp. Yep! Surrounded by guys 24/7 and walking up and down hills in 100 degree weather. I LOVED every minute of it! I came back with some interesting stories, and lots of new skills. Then I came back and was proposed to at a church activity. (Keep in mind, I'm not legally old enough to get married...) My summer was definitely exciting, but enough about me, what did YOU do??

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